Young Dems at the door

Summer has begun and our Young Dems have hit the ground running!

We kicked off with a successful canvassing campaign of our own, visiting fellow registered Democrats between the ages of 18-35 all over the area. Canvassers asked voters which issues they value most, and collected data to improve volunteer and Get Out the Vote efforts. We also educated many on upcoming elections and how to get more involved in the county party!

We have quite a few plans in the works! Lydia Zerr is working to organize volunteers from the group to serve our community at the Lord’s Diner, while Grace Garrett is working to rally up volunteers to travel the district and attend as many Pride events as possible! We are also looking forward to hosting a booth at 620 Day this year, headed by the beloved Jack Bertoncino.

Our PSU Campus Dems and PHS Dems are on a slight hiatus with school being out for the summer, but we have big plans in store for the fall, with voter registration and Get Out the Vote being our top priorities! In the meantime, plenty of us are ready to lace up our walking shoes and knock on some doors!

Us Young Dems love to organize, but we like to keep it fun! Feel free to join us at HQ for our bi-monthly game nights, the next of which being June 8th at 6:30 pm.

Our next meeting will be held at HQ at 6:30 pm on June 10th.

Feel free to contact our President Grace Garrett (785-207-6691) or Vice-President Lydia Zerr (620-670-0818) with questions, or come to our next meeting!

Thanks for reading!

Lydia Zerr


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