Update on the “Liberal Ladies”

By Susy Hammons

Liberal Ladies Who Lunch met on January 17th, at noon, at Dem HQ.  There was, as usual, a lively conversation.  We celebrated Jim Olwig when he came in to do some repairs, by giving him a standing ovation.  He is such an asset.  We're so lucky to have Jim and Harriet in our midst.  Emily also got a standing ovation when she arrived to explain the plan to pay students (who have energy and strong legs) to canvas.  There is a detailed plan to protect them from weather and non receptive constituents.  They will always be paired with older members.  We will need to have more Fund Raisers to pay for this plan.  So be thinking of creative projects.  Emily stressed that door knocking will be essential to having success in the election.  Delma invited us to her 90th Birthday Celebration this Saturday, the 20th, at the Root Coffee Shop, 2:00 to 4:00.

Our next meeting will be January 31st, same time, same place.  Stay warm and safe.


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