How I do my school board job

By Joe Kennedy

Thank you for providing this opportunity to share my thoughts as a USD 250 school board member. I would like to share my perspective of a board member’s responsibility. First, we must have and follow our vision. Although Board of Education members play a role defining the district’s vision, it should be developed from the viewpoint of teachers, administrators, community members, students, etc. USD 250’s vision states, the purpose of Pittsburg Community Schools is to provide diverse learning opportunities for all students that inspire them to achieve excellence, both academically and socially, in order to enjoy success in post-secondary education, the workforce, and in life. Using our vision as a guideline helps me in my decision-making process. Secondly and perhaps the single most important decision a BOE member makes is the hiring of its leader, the superintendent. The board is also responsible for policy and directs the superintendent to administer policy. It is the superintendent’s job to manage day-to-day operations subject to the rules and regulations set by the BOE. Finally, the BOE is directly accountable to the Pittsburg community for the outcomes of our educational system. This includes monitoring student achievements, providing necessary staff, etc.

Speaking of the board members’ most important responsibilities, USD 250 Superintendent Richard Proffitt announced his retirement effective June 30, 2024. The BOE immediately began to outline a plan to hire a new superintendent. First, we decided to hire a consulting firm allowing us the opportunity to draw from a nationwide pool of candidates. Proposals were received from several consultants and after our interviews, McPherson & Jacobsen, LLC was selected. The BOE is committed to an open and transparent process to hire the best person for our district. The process has and will be a collaborative one and has provided community members the opportunity to provide input through an online survey plus in-person forums provided by the consultants. Anonymous responses will be shared in their complete form to the BOE and will be considered as we seek our next leader.

We are fortunate to have a school district, business community, city, Chamber of Commerce, and local organizations who work collaboratively to find solutions that are best for all. It is a strength of Pittsburg. Your questions and input ensure we make more informed decisions. I invite you to attend our school board meetings on the second Monday of each month (with an optional meeting on the fourth Monday) at 6:00 pm at 510 Diell Street. You can also watch meetings online. Issues facing education are also impacted by what our legislators decide to do or not do in Topeka. From the days before we were a State, public education has been the foundation of our success in Kansas. The challenge for all of us is to be informed on the State level and to understand how a particular piece of legislation impacts public education and our ability to maintain a quality education for all.


Update on the “Liberal Ladies”
