Every day I ask myself how things got set in stone

How men who made the crazy rules got everything so wrong.

How they decided women’s lives were made for just one thing,

As women were “the weaker sex”, meant just for nurturing.


What all this silliness implies is men don’t have a clue

Or just don’t want to know the facts of what we gals can do.

And some men that  do know look for ways to keep females constrained

Not wanting to admit the fact that women have a brain.


The “weaker sex” is not a term that I’d apply to mothers

Raising kids requires real strength, not just one skill but others.

No way can this short verse relate the jobs dispatched by mothers

Dispensing love and discipline  to little sis and brothers.


So many different skills required in the running of a house

And frequently without the aid of  partner or a spouse.

And while there’s much to be admired in moms who choose this task

Others choose to use their skills and take a different path.


Women’s interest may run first to science or to math

Or flying  planes, teaching kids or being an osteopath.

It matters not which path they take, one thing is brought to light

Women are not  weaklings, nor helplessness their plight.


In spite of what some chauvinist believe is  their  domain

Women have shown often brawn doesn’t equal brain.

So that old saw we used to hear regarding women’s “place”

Might work for women on the Right but  not a “thinking” base.


There are good men  who champion women’s rights with pride

For them be ever thankful  to have them by your side.

And feel free to do your  thing  and listen only  with disdain

To silly men who won’t admit that women have a brain.


                                                                                Delma Thompson 2024


Book Club update


Hard Facts for Mr. Trump