Rhodes for House update

By Melesia “Lissa” Rhodes on Aug, 22

I haven’t given an update on my campaign for a while. I have been knocking on doors and talking to Republicans, and unaffiliated. I have completed Arma, Franklin, Capaldo, and will finish Frontenac by the end of the week. Then on to Girard and Cherokee for the month of September. I have an awesome friend in Mary Wehrman, who is kicking butt and working phones with Frontenac voters. I hope she will be moving on with me to Girard.

We have started the application process for a $100k CDBG grant for Galesburg. They will be having their public hearing in the first week of September. Should be smooth sailing after that. I have been working with a group of local farmers and Shasta Power to bring a 1,500-acre solar farm to Crawford County. If you see those red signs out and about, they are aimed at us. We just got the numbers back from the county, and once completed, it's a two year build, the county should receive in the neighborhood of $4,000,000 per year during the life of the farm, about 40 years. The projected windfall for Northeast school district is $1.77m and $1.8m to the county, and about $400k to the Frontenac school district per year. So, if you hear negatives, please support this endeavor. All solar panels are industrial and made in the USA. Batteries are the size of semitrailers and sealed according to federal regs. All equipment is recyclable and will not end up in a landfill. Power will be sold to Evergy and go to the grid that serves the 11 midwestern states. The goal is to have the United States using 100% renewable energy by 2050. Oh yeah, me and the Deparment of Energy are close friends now .

If any of you have been keeping up with Baby Benny and that devastating situation, I will be following that trial. Benny's GMA invited me to come, then I spoke with mom, and we will all work together to draft a Benny's Bill to make sure this doesn't happen again. Did I mention parades? Eight down, seven or or eight to go.

We will be working on our big wooden signs this weekend. If you have a high visibility spot and would like us to put one up, please reach out. We are starting out with 10, they will be 4 feet by 4' feet. Seventy-four days left of this whirlwind. Please remember your Crawford County candidates appreciate your help, and we still need it! Yard signs are expensive!! I've priced 500 at $4k!!

Thanks for all of your help!!


Stapleton for Senate 13 update