New assistan HQ manager

By Emily Walters, chairperson

We are pleased to announce that David Su has accepted an appointment as Assistant Headquarters Manager. David will be working under the guidance of current HQ Manager, Marcia Weeks, who is absolutely thrilled to bring him onboard.

David comes to us with a diverse skill set, including expertise in gardening, data management, and the maintenance of computer equipment. (And probably other stuff. Seriously, is there anything he can't do??) I will also be training him to take on duties related to VoteBuilder, which will be especially important as we start canvassing in earnest in May (also especially important to my sanity.)

We encourage all members to extend a warm welcome to David as he transitions into his new role. Please feel free to visit our headquarters to introduce yourself to David, if you’ve not met him before! Or if you’d like, you can reach out to him over email at

Your support and cooperation in making David feel at home in his new role are greatly appreciated. I’m so excited for him to get started!

Onward together,

Emily Walters

PS: Stay tuned for more announcements about our May 4th Canvassing Kick-Off and our April 21st and our May 19th monthly meetings.

PPS: Tentatively, our May 19th meeting will be our Farlington Lake meeting! Er, I mean Crawford County State Lake meeting. More announcements on that are coming soon, too!


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