“Liberal ladies” update

By Susy Hammons

Liberal Ladies Who Lunch met June 5th and 19th, at Dem HQ. 

On the 5th we had a lively bunch. I shared my 2008 KC Star news picture of KU winning the NCAA tournament.  Matt Kleinmann was clearly pictured, red hair a beacon.

 Then I shared a gingerbread house kit Hatrriet had given me that was a large, cute, happy Halloween house.  I just couldn't get into the cute, happy theme so I mixed colors the best I could to decorate a horror "trump howse."  

 Marcia wants volunteers to know about the new American flag hanging in front of HQ on the South side of our building.  Marcia or David Su are in charge of putting it up and taking it down so volunteers do not need to deal with it at all.

 Emily talked about Planned Parenthood coming to Pittsburg.  They have a building and are hiring employees. 

 Harriet gave info from a virtual meeting of Women for Kansas about reaching young voters.  The speaker, Dr. Alexandra Middlewood was very compelling.  Harriet will look into getting a video of her talk to show at HQ.

 Emily explained about phone banking that can be done at HQ.  She will send us an email with details.

 I asked the group if they would be interested in having a side group called Liberal Ladies Who Learn that would learn about being healthy by having speakers and sharing our own experiences of aging. We would meet once a month. There was some interest. Contact me with your ideas.

 On the 19th I reported on taking $342 to Wesley House for pool passes for children whose families receive assistance and can’t  use any of that money for the pool or theater tickets or any fun summer activities. Daily admission for four to 5 years is $4; 16-54 years is $5; and over 55 is $4. An individual season pass is $50 and family swim (5:15 pm - 7:00  pm) for two adults and four kids is $15.

 Thank you, Liberal Ladies and County Democrats for your support for pool passes. If you want to donate bring it to HQ clearly marked and leave it in the donation box.

 I read the hi points of a letter from the new Planned Parenthood. Emily will coordinate with them to have someone come and speak to LLWL.

 We talked more about starting a Liberal Ladies Who Learn group for older members to talk about the problems of aging and solutions that may help.  Laura Colvert-Miller from the 60+ research project has agreed to work with us as has Jenni who does the Silver Sneakers program at the Y.  We will meet after our meeting on July 17th.  No guest speakers; just a hashing out of details and I have three things to share.

Our next meeting will be July 3rd at noon at HQ. 


Talking with Sheriff Danny Smith


Outreach events thru October