‘Liberal Ladies’ report

We met on Aug. 14 at Dem HQ.  Emily Walters was able to attend.  Four women who work with Planned Parenthood came to answer questions about the new facility.  It's  located at 2312 S. Tucker Terrace and the phone is (620) 822-8064   They will be having training sessions for volunteers to be Patient Allies. The first  training was that afternoon at Emily and Jordan's  house.  Planned Parenthood has a non-engagement policy with protesters.

Our Aug., 28 meeting had two new women.  The Dems were having a table on Friday,  Aug. 30, with set up is at 3. and volunteers coming from 6 to 8.  Festa will be in September.  White sheet cakes will be needed.  Contact Lynn Grant.  Early voting will start on 10/22.  Some Liberal Ladies are posting positive messages on Post-it notes and leaving them in public places — Joy Notes.

I stopped by Planned Parenthood today since I  didn't know where it was.  I just pulled up to the front door and started writing down the address.  I could see a policeman or guard inside.  He came to check me out and was very pleasant.  I told him I was with Liberal Ladies Who Lunch and that we are very supportive.  He said that was good to hear.  There were three or four older women on the sidewalk out by the road all huddled together.  I couldn't tell what their signs said.  

Harriet took a picture of the 8/30 group which means she isn't in it!  

Our next meeting is on 9/11 at Dem HQ.   

Susy Hammons


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