KanCare expansion hearing written testimony requested

The Governor's office notified the Kansas Commission on Disability Concerns (KCDC) that the legislature has agreed to hold hearings on the Medicaid Expansion bills in the next few weeks. House Bill HB 2556 is in House Committee on Health and Human Services and Senate Bill SB 355 is in the Senate Committee on Public Health and Welfare.

People interested in providing testimony are encouraged to start writing now so you are ready to register with the committee assistants when the hearings are announced.

Use these Guidelines for Drafting Written Only Proponent Testimony.

If this issue is important to you, please start writing your testimony and feel free to share with others. We will send out the hearing schedule when it is available. You can check the calendars daily at the legislative website.

Questions? Contact Martha Gabehart, Executive Director, Kansas Commission on Disability Concerns at (785) 296-6525 or email Martha.gabehart@ks.gov.


March Rallies, Meetings, & Events


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