Democratic Candidates for State Office

(adapted from Harriet Bachner’s excellent pamphlet)

Laura Kelly / David Toland: Governor / Lt. Governor

  • Eliminate the food tax to save Kansas families about $500/year

  • Set records in ’20 & ’21 for out of state corporate investment

  • Major distribution hubs in in Wichita & KC

  • Hubs & EV plant will create 1000s of jobs

  • Fully funds schools for 4 years

  • Creates & retains 42,000+ jobs

  • Helps Kansas export a record $5.35 billion in agricultural goods

  • Broke ground on 425 new infrastructure projects in 2021 & 1,000+ in first term

Jeanna Repass: Kansas Secretary of State

  • Protects voting rights & ballot access for all Kansans

  • Promotes election integrity to ensure free & fair elections & restore public trust in elections

  • Modernizes Secretary of State office to better serve small businesses

  • Saves taxpayer dollars by managing her office efficiently & responsibly

Chris Mann: Kansas Attorney General

  • Previous law enforcement career cut short when he was struck by a drunk driver during a routine traffic stop

  • As an attorney he prosecuted murders, white-collar criminals, & protected consumers

  • Worked with Democrats & Republicans to pass major drunk driving legislation

  • As Attorney General he will work for all Kansans à Public safety, not politics

Lynn Rogers: Kansas State Treasurer

  • Active in agricultural banking for over 3 decades before election to the Kansas Senate in 2016

  • Worked to reverse the “Brownback-Colyer tax experiment” so more could be invested in our schools

  • Member of the Wichita Public School Board from 2001 to 2018

  • Toured Kansas as Treasurer to distribute unclaimed property collected by the State in previous administrations

  • An advocate for all Kansans

Kiel Corkran: Insurance Commissioner

  • Understands “statistical processes in insurance underwriting… to spot unfair business practices”

Jordan Metcalf: State Representative, 3rd District (Write-In)

  • Pro-choice, strong advocate for bodily autonomy

  • Legalization of marijuana to raise money for schools, roads

  • Blue-collar background means he understands the struggle of living paycheck to paycheck


Democratic Candidates for County Offices


Democratic Candidates on the Ballot - National Offices