CCYD update

Greetings Crawford County Democrats!
The Young Dems have been busy formulating plans for future endeavors, over the past month. We will be participating in the April ArtWalk, with a mystery book sale featuring wrapped books to purchase and take home for a surprise read, and some of Kathy Thompson’s beautiful rock art! We will be accepting donated books at a later date, so keep your eyes peeled on the County Party and Young Dems Facebook pages for that call to action!
In addition, the Crawford County Young Dems will be well represented at Washington Days, this year, on March 15-16, in Topeka. A handful of our members will join with other Kansas Young Democrats from across the state while the YD caucus conducts business.
Our next meetings will be a Board Game Night on March 23, at HQ, and a business meeting on March 29, also at HQ.
Thank you for your continued support!

Austin B. Stapleton,
CCYD President


Workers, tools, leadership and politics


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