Canvassing launch!

Our door-to-door canvassing for our candidates will start this Saturday, May 4th (yes, yes, May the Fourth Be With You! Dress like a wookie if you feel that you must.) We will gather at HQ at 10am to fix any last minute snags, to inspire each other, and to receive our marching orders.


PLEASE consider coming – even if you don't feel comfortable going door-to-door (yet!), your presence inspires our canvassers and helps to remind them that they are part of a larger effort, working for our community.


IF YOU WILL CANVAS (and if you are a first-timer, we will partner you with someone experienced), please 1) wear comfortable shoes, 2) hydrate, and 3) consider wearing sunscreen.


We will also meet at HQ on THURSDAY, May 2 at 5:30 pm, for anyone who would like some training on the door-to-door process, or who would like the chance to review the scripts in detail prior to Saturday. Both of these events are optional.


THE MAIN EVENT is THIS SATURDAY, MAY 4, AT 10:00 AM. Our Congressional District Chairperson, Alana Cloutier, will be there, as will Jason Peters with the Shawnee County Democratic Party. He will also be around for lunch to talk about the role of precinct captains in the County Party. If you are interested in serving as a precinct captain, he is a great resource!


We will have refreshments, and our candidates will be there to give you talking points and tell you how to sell them. The single most important thing we can do to elect Democrats in Crawford County is knocking on doors. 



Hard Facts for Mr. Trump


What is wrong about Senate Bill 233