Book club news

A big thanks to Jim and Nancy Fredette for hosting our book club meeting in January. We had a terrific spread with baked potatoes, fixings and desserts. We missed Bob and Bert and appreciate Bert sharing his thoughts about The Little Liar in written form. Joe only stumbled over a few big words Bert. Great discussion and visiting by all.

We are hoping we can begin meeting at Democratic headquarters in February and someone (who?) is going to check on availability, office key, permission, etc. so this can happen. Here are the details of the next meeting for your calendar:

  • Date: Wednesday, February 21st

  • Place: Democratic Headquarters in beautiful downtown Pittsburg (no 'h' required)

  • Time: 6:30 PM

  • Book suggested by Ruth Miller : The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store by James McBride

  • Food: all are invited to bring a covered dish plus your own tableware since it will be in the headquarters

Here is a quick synopsis of the book. Sounds like a good one.

“The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store” is a novel by James McBride that was published in 2023. The story is set in the 1920s and 30s in the Chicken Hill neighborhood of Pottstown, Pennsylvania, where Jewish and Black communities coexist amidst racial tensions 1. The novel follows the lives of Moshe and Chona Ludlow, who live in Chicken Hill. Moshe is a Romanian Jew who owns the local theater and dance hall, while Chona runs the Heaven & Earth Grocery Store 2The novel explores themes of love, community, and history through the stories of a Jewish grocery store owner, a Black activist, and a white journalist 3“The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store” is an adult historical fiction/mystery novel that centers around a skeleton found in an old well, which unravels the hidden secrets of Chicken Hill

Joe Kennedy


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